The Chart Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for "Whatever Comes" from The Emerging Sound Vol. 4.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 My life will not end in the grave I will live to see another day That day may not be on this Earth But in Heaven with the Holy Church
CHORUS Whatever comes Whatever comes My God you still remain My head held high Be glorified My hope is in your name Whatever comes
VERSE 2 I don’t fear the day you call me home It’s the moment i’ve been waiting for One thing I know i know for sure You will welcome me at heaven’s door
BRIDGE I will praise Even when I am afraid I will praise Though it cost me everything I will praise You are worth the offering I will praise
Written by Meg Ammons and Anna Morgan Mitchell, Touched By A Fire Publishing, and Emily Palmer, Daniel Gonzalez, Anna Glass, Katie Riley and Elyse Mead, The Emerging Sound Publishing.