Leading Us Through The Night (Stand On The Rock) Charts
The Chart Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet, & Nashville Number Sheet for "Leading Us Through The Night" from The Emerging Sound Vol. 4.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
We are not alone Oh brother oh sister
We are not alone Our Savior is with us
The Lord is here Leading us through the night
We stand on the rock We hide in Your shadow
We take up our cross (pressing on) live it all
For Your glory
Jesus stop the waves of chaos before us
Calm the fear within let courage rise in us
The Lord is here
Leading us through the night
The Lord is here
Leading us through the night
Our Refuge. Our Shelter, Our joy in the morning
Defender, Redeemer, Oh we give you praise
Our Healer, Forgiver, Oh The Mighty Warrior
Our Fortress, Strong Tower, Oh we give you praise
Oh We give you praise
Oh We give you praise
Oh We give you praise
Pressing on Pressing on
Pressing on For Your Glory
Written by Sean Carter, Lara Landon and Laurel Taylor, Tent Peg Music, Sabin Flore and Lauren Wells, Tent Peg Publishing, and Joel Ridenour, Cassandra Blom and Kaitlyn Malouf, The Emerging Sound Publishing.