The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet, & Nashville Number Sheet of "Arms Of My Beloved" from The Slays album.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 I used to think that I was living When all I did was long for more I had no clue what I was missing I couldn’t see the open door
VERSE 2 You didn’t wait for me to find it You met me right there where I was And I walked through to life abundant Out from the grave into your love
PRE Through no good of my own Somehow You made my heart Your home
CHORUS Thank you Jesus for Your mercy That holds me steady on my way Leaning on the arms of my Beloved In the arms of my Beloved I will stay
VERSE 3 You straighten out the path before me You’ll see me through what lies ahead No need to trust my understanding My joy is trusting You instead
PRE 2 Through no strength of my own I no longer walk alone
BRIDGE Oh, oh What could I fear when I know You’re with me Oh, oh What could I want when You’re all that I need
Written by Kaden Slay, Melanie Tierce and Wesley Nilsen, Tent Peg Music.
City Of God Charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for"City Of God" from Melanie Tierce's debut album City Of God.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 The stars in the heavens still cry out in song The wonders of how they were made The oceans and tides still dancing in time One day their expanses will fade
CHORUS Yet Your beauty O Lord never ceases Your merciful Love never ends Your Magnificence only increases Forever and Ever Amen
VERSE 2 The sun and the moon and the earth and the sky Their movements will finally be still The comets and cosmos will come into line At last all their courses fulfilled
BRIDGE All the beauty and brightness of Heaven Will descend like a dove on His Children Oh We long for ... the City of God
Then we’ll stand at the throne of His Splendor And rest in the arms our Father Oh We long for the City of God Yes, We long for the City of God
Written by Melanie Tierce, Daniel Riddle, Mark Swayze, Mark Benjamin, andMichael Lawson - Tent Peg Music
Deeper, Deeper Still Charts
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The Chart Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet, & Nashville Number Sheet for "Deeper, Deeper Still"from The Emerging Sound Vol. 4.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 Holy Spirit take my hand now Lead me out in the living waters You're the wellspring You're stirring You're the life for Your sons and daughters
VERSE 2 Eyes are opened to the unseen And my faith is arising within me Bless the Lord now, sing it out loud Come and give the Lord His glory
CHORUS You're calling me deeper deeper still You're calling me deeper deeper still So I’m going deeper deeper still Into Your love Because Your love keeps going Deeper deeper still You're calling me deeper deeper still So I’m going deeper deeper still Into Your love Into Your love
VERSE 3 Eyes are opened to the unseen And my faith is arising within me Bless the Lord now, sing it out loud Lift your hands, give the Lord His glory
BRIDGE There's freedom in the water There's healing in the water Oh, Jesus, You’re the river And we’ll never find the end
Written by Melanie Tierce, Tent Peg Music, Ryan Kennedy, New Hope Road Music, Paul Herman, pH Balanced Music, Chloe Jones and Claire Leslie, unaffiliated, and Andrew Riddle, Joel Ridenour, Kaylee Turner and Benjamin Gadzik, The Emerging Sound Publishing.
Give Us Your Heart Charts
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The Chart Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet, & Nashville Number Sheet for "Give Us your Heart" from The Emerging Sound Vol. 3.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 Your eyes are on the lowly Though others look away Your feet run to the broken Your hands are quick to save Make us like you Lord
VERSE 2 You walk with the forgotten And offer them a home Adopting the unwanted Calling them your own Make us like you Lord Make us like you Lord
CHORUS Give us Your heart O give us Your heart Let the light of heaven shine As we step into the dark
O give us your heart O give us your heart All to see the kingdom come And death depart Give us your he-art Give us your he-art
VERSE 3 You walk with the forgotten And offer them a home Adopting the unwanted Calling them your own Make us like you Lord Make us like you Lord
BRIDGE Let justice flow Like a river in the desert Let the nations know You will reign forever As the Earth beholds The glory of the Savior Let justice flow
Written by Melanie Tierce and Jordan Merritt, Tent Peg Music, Jake Richards, Charles Graves and Mackenzie Fessler, The Emerging Sound Publishing, and Ashlyn Clift and Lauren Wells, Tent Peg Publishing.
Give Us Your Heart Charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for"Give Us Your Heart" from Melanie Tierce's debut album City Of God.
Individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 Your eyes are on the lowly Though others look away Your feet run to the broken Your hands are quick to save Make us like you Lord
VERSE 2 You walk with the forgotten And offer them a home Adopting the unwanted Calling them your own Make us like you Lord Make us like you Lord
CHORUS Give us Your heart O give us Your heart Let the light of heaven shine As we step into the dark
O give us your heart O give us your heart All to see the kingdom come And death depart Give us your he-art Give us your he-art
VERSE 3 You walk with the forgotten And offer them a home Adopting the unwanted Calling them your own Make us like you Lord Make us like you Lord
BRIDGE Let justice flow Like a river in the desert Let the nations know You will reign forever As the Earth beholds The glory of the Savior Let justice flow
Written by Melanie Tierce and Jordan Merritt, Tent Peg Music, Jake Richards, Charles Graves and Mackenzie Fessler, The Emerging Sound Publishing, and Ashlyn Clift and Lauren Wells, Tent Peg Publishing.
Give Us Your Heart Videos
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Includes .mp4 Live-Recording Video for "Give us your Heart" from "The Emerging Sound Vol. 3"
Hallelujah My Soul Sings Charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for"Hallelujah My Soul Sings" from Melanie Tierce's debut album City Of God.
Individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 I don’t wanna move from this moment I don’t wanna miss one word that You speak I was made to be with You, Jesus How could I ever leave?
VERSE 2 Nothing can compare to Your beauty I just wanna stay right here at Your feet You’re the only one that I long for You’re so worthy
PRE Oh how You’ve searched me You’ve always found me Lord, You have seen me all this time
CHORUS I love You, ‘cause You’ve loved me Let me know You, as You’ve known me There’s so much more, will You show me? As I cry out, “You’re so holy, holy, holy”
VERSE 3 How I long to join in with Heaven How I long to meet with You, face to face But until I see You completely I'll wait with eyes of faith
BRIDGE Hallelujah, my soul sings Hallelujah, my soul sings Hallelujah
Written by Melanie Tierce, Kaden Slay, May Angeles and Wesley Nilsen, Tent Peg Music, Paul Herman, pH Balanced Music, and Natalie Cotta and Sarah Mooneyham, The Emerging Sound Publishing.
Heal Our Land Charts
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The Chart Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet, & Nashville Number Sheet for the single"Heal Our Land"from People & Songs.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 You’re always selfless I have been proud You laid your life down Where I have not bowed Oh, Forgive me You’re always Faithful I have betrayed You have shown mercy Where I have sown hate Oh, Forgive me
CHORUS I turn from my ways To seek Your face And humbly pray God heal our land You will heal our land You will heal our land You will heal our land You will heal our land
VERSE 2 You see the hungry I’ve turned my face You move to help them I’ve run away Oh Forgive me You see the hurting I’ve judged their shame Where you bear the burden I’ve passed the blame Oh Forgive Me
BRIDGE The Spirit and the Bride Are ready Lord We rise and prophecy This earth is Yours
Lift up oh ancient gates Fling wide the doors O king of glory reign This earth is Yours
Written by Jennie Lee Riddle, Jennie Lee Riddle Music, Sean Carter and Melanie Tierce, Tent Peg Music.
Heal Our Land Charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet, & Nashville Number Sheet for "Heal Our Land"from the album, The Slays.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 You’re always selfless I have been proud You laid your life down Where I have not bowed Oh, Forgive me You’re always Faithful I have betrayed You have shown mercy Where I have sown hate Oh, Forgive me
CHORUS I turn from my ways To seek Your face And humbly pray God heal our land You will heal our land You will heal our land You will heal our land You will heal our land
VERSE 2 You see the hungry I’ve turned my face You move to help them I’ve run away Oh Forgive me You see the hurting I’ve judged their shame Where you bear the burden I’ve passed the blame Oh Forgive Me
BRIDGE The Spirit and the Bride Are ready Lord We rise and prophecy This earth is Yours
Lift up oh ancient gates Fling wide the doors O king of glory reign This earth is Yours
Written by Jennie Lee Riddle, Jennie Lee Riddle Music, Sean Carter and Melanie Tierce, Tent Peg Music.
Hell Or High Water Charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for "Hell Or High Water"from the album,The Slays.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 You never change You stay the same My Rock You’re everything I’ll ever need
VERSE 2 You’re ever near So present here My Help You’re everything I’ll ever need
PRE Jesus, you’re greater than my fear
CHORUS So come hell or high water You’re still on the throne You are faithful and able You’re in control There’s no question about it You’re King over all I know who You are
VERSE 3 You’ll be my strength You’ll be my peace My God Forever you’ll be strong in me
BRIDGE Steady, Constant I have this confidence Mercy, Goodness I have this confidence Awesome, Mighty I have this confidence I know who You are
Defender, Healer You are my confidence Protector, Shepherd You are my confidence Jesus, Savior You are my confidence I know who You are
Written by Jennie Lee Riddle, Jennie Lee Riddle Music, Kaden Slay, Melanie Tierce, Charity Gayle, Mary Grace Batson, Wesley Nilsen, Steven Musso, Joshua Sherman and May Angeles, Tent Peg Music, Ryan Kennedy, New Hope Road Music, Kaleb Frazier and Benjamin Gadzik, The Emerging Sound Publishing
How Can My Feet Not Dance Charts
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The Chart Bundle includes a .zip folder containing .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet, & Nashville Number Sheet for "How Can My Feet Not Dance" from The Emerging Sound Vol. 4.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 The Spirit is moving In power, He’s proving that Jesus is here, Jesus is here
Our faith is increasing And we are believing that Jesus is Here, Jesus is Here
PRE Woah
CHORUS How can my feet not dance? How can my lips not sing? How can my heart not praise? My Jesus, my freedom
TURN Oh-oh Oh Ohhh OHH...
VERSE 2 My eyes became open My shackles were broken and Jesus is Here Jesus is Here
My sin was forgiven When Jesus was risen now Jesus is Here Jesus is Here
BRIDGE We dance, we sing To praise our King 'Cause Jesus is here, Jesus is here
Written by David Gentiles, New Hope Road Music, Aryn Calhoun, Touched By A Fire Publishing, Ben Bushen, Abi Lea, Brian McHaney, Kaitlyn Malouf, Abbi Hallock and Kimberlee Brown, The Emerging Sound Publishing, and Chloe Jones, unaffiliated.
I'll Fix My Eyes Charts
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The Chart Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for "I'll Fix My Eyes" from The Emerging Sound Vol. 4.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
CHORUS I lift up my head I sing out a song I’ll fix my eyes on Jesus Till the things of this earth All pass away I fix my eyes on Jesus
VERSE 1 O soul, if you are weary If there’s no light In the darkness you see There is light, look at the savior You’ll find a life More abundant and free
CHORUS I lift up my head I sing out a song I’ll fix my eyes On Jesus ‘Til the things of this earth All pass away I fix my eyes On Jesus
VERSE 2 Take heart His goodness and mercy Overshadow My deepest despair Through death to life everlasting, Jesus leads on And we follow Him there
BRIDGE I will shine in light Behold His glory Come face to face With the Lord of hosts I will join the song Of thousands, ten-thousands Holy, Holy Lord Holy, Holy Holy, Holy Holy, Holy Lord
Written by Sean Carter, Kaden Slay and Melanie Tierce, Tent Peg Music, Ashlyn Clift and Sabrina Masters, Tent Peg Publishing, and Madalene Eilers, Kristiana Gonzalez and Mackenzie Fessler, The Emerging Sound Publishing.
It Was Done For Christ Charts
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The Chart Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for "It Was Done For Christ" from The Slays album.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 He is God so who else would I follow He is the beginning and the end All my yesterdays and my tomorrows Now covered by the grace that’s found in Him
PRE And one by one I’ll count my many blessings
CHORUS From the moment that I wake Let me rise for heaven’s sake To forfeit earthly gain For greater prize When my race is finally run When my battle song’s been sung And I breathe at last as the sun sets in my eyes When it’s all said and done, let it be said That it was done for Christ
VERSE 2 He never promised that it would be easy He said, “Just follow me, take up the cross” The narrow road will lead me on victory He promised me that He’d be worth it all
Written by Jennie Lee Riddle, Jennie Lee Riddle Music, Kaden Slay and Melanie Tierce, Tent Peg Music, and Ryan Kennedy, New Hope Road Music.
Melanie Tierce: City Of God Physical Album
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Track Listing: Sing (feat. People & Songs) City Of God What Love Is Like (feat. Kaden Slay, People & Songs) Simple Hallelujah My Soul Sings (feat. People & Songs) So Close (feat. Kaden Slay) Don’t Ever Let Me Go I Am Your God One More Step Give Us Your Heart (feat. Kaden Slay, People & Songs) Compelled (feat. People & Songs) When The Stars Burn Down (feat. People & Songs) O Death
O Death charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for "O Death" from Melanie Tierce's debut album City Of God.
VERSE 1 O death, where’s your boast, where’s your glory What of your pretension have you left Foolish was your pride and vain ambition You tried and were found wanting in the end
CHORUS All you did was all you could and yet it failed you For Jesus rose and sank you to the grave And in resurrection I refuse to fear you O death, you died and I’m alive instead
VERSE 2 O death, where’s your bite, where’s your triumph Quickly how the tables turned, it seems You must’ve thought that Friday sealed your victory But Sunday came and trampled on your scheme
CHORUS All you did was all you could and yet it failed you For Jesus rose and sank you to the grave And in resurrection I refuse to fear you O death, you died and I’m alive instead
BRIDGE All you meant for evil God destined for my good Kill my body you could But still I’ll live on forever And when I should breathe no more Louder then I’ll sing for Death you are the wide door To where I’ll live on forever (In the presence of my Savior)
CHORUS 2 Thank you Jesus for the way that it is finished Thank you Jesus for the way that it is done Thank you Jesus for the way of Your salvation O Jesus, for Your death defying love
Written by Stephen Marti, New Hope Road Music.
One More Step Charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for"One More Step" from Melanie Tierce's debut album City Of God.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 Why are you sad oh my soul Why so angry now with yourself Do you not know there is hope Don’t you know this isn’t the end
PRE Oh I know that with all these shadows That somewhere there is sunshine Out of sight but morning’s coming
CHORUS One more, one more step I know you can do it One more one more step Yes, I know you’ll make it through One more more step Slowly and steady you will win this race One more one more step And you’ll reach the promised land
VERSE 2 There can be peace in the trouble It’s the art of lifting your eyes There can be joy in the sorrow It may hurt, oh but still you’ve got to keep singing
BRIDGE Oh don't you dare give up now The wall’s about to come down Don’t you dare take your last breath You’re almost out of the wilderness
Written by Jennie Lee Riddle, Jennie Lee Riddle Music, and Melanie Tierce, Tent Peg Music.
Redeemed By The Blood Of The Lamb
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The Chart Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for"Redeemed By The Blood Of The Lamb"from The Slays album.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 I went down to the crimson river Left my burdens at the shore I Went down a sinner came up a saint Died with Christ now I’m reborn
VERSE 2 Yes He washed me with His mercy And He cleansed me in his blood Now I stand complete, I have been set free I found life there in the flood
CHORUS (I’m) Not the same, I am changed Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb By His grace I am saved I’m His child, forever I am Hallelujah Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
VERSE 3 Now I have the living water From the well that won’t run dry All the pangs of life have been satisfied By the precious blood of Christ
VERSE 4 When it’s time to cross that river I will shine in glorious light When he calls me home I’ll fall at his throne And forever worship Christ
Redeemed By The Blood Of The Lamb Charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for "Redeemed By The Blood Of The Lamb" from The Emerging Sound Vol. 5.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 I went down to the crimson river Left my burdens at the shore I Went down a sinner came up a saint Died with Christ now I’m reborn
VERSE 2 Yes He washed me with His mercy And He cleansed me in his blood Now I stand complete, I have been set free I found life there in the flood
CHORUS (I’m) Not the same, I am changed Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb By His grace I am saved I’m His child, forever I am Hallelujah Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
VERSE 3 Now I have the living water From the well that won’t run dry All the pangs of life have been satisfied By the precious blood of Christ
VERSE 4 When it’s time to cross that river I will shine in glorious light When he calls me home I’ll fall at his throne And forever worship Christ
Written by Sean Carter and Melanie Tierce, Tent Peg Music, David Gentiles and Will Yates, New Hope Road Music, Tobin Alford, Tent Peg Publishing, and Jessica White, Rachel McMillan, Alexis Kuzins and Hayden Yates, The Emerging Sound Publishing.
Reeled And Rocked Charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for"Reeled And Rocked"fromThe Slays album.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 I tangled with death Hell cornered me It wrapped around and took my breath Dragged me under the sea
VERSE 2 And in my distress I let out a cry To my God I called for help And he heard from on high
PRE Then the earth Reeled and rocked At the voice of my God As He came to save me Mountains quaked Creation bowed As it heard the sound When He came to save me
CHORUS My God, He drew me out He set my feet on unshakable ground My God, He made a way Mighty Deliverer is His name That’s my God That’s my God
VERSE 3 Death, where is your sting The Word of the Lord rings true Hell, you have no victory ‘Cause He’s my refuge
BRIDGE He makes my feet secure Trains my hands for war Fills my mouth with the song of salvation Oh, I am alive ‘Cause He is alive Be exalted O God of salvation
END That’s my God
Written by Kaden Slay, Melanie Tierce and Wesley Nilsen, Tent Peg Music.
Reeled and Rocked Charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for"Reeled And Rocked"fromTurn Up The Lights 2019.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 I tangled with death Hell cornered me It wrapped around and took my breath Dragged me under the sea
VERSE 2 And in my distress I let out a cry To my God I called for help And he heard from on high
PRE Then the earth Reeled and rocked At the voice of my God As He came to save me Mountains quaked Creation bowed As it heard the sound When He came to save me
CHORUS My God, He drew me out He set my feet on unshakable ground My God, He made a way Mighty Deliverer is His name That’s my God That’s my God
VERSE 3 Death, where is your sting The Word of the Lord rings true Hell, you have no victory ‘Cause He’s my refuge
BRIDGE He makes my feet secure Trains my hands for war Fills my mouth with the song of salvation Oh, I am alive ‘Cause He is alive Be exalted O God of salvation
END That’s my God
Written by Kaden Slay, Melanie Tierce and Wesley Nilsen, Tent Peg Music.
Revelation Song Charts
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The Chart Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Choral Sheet, & Nashville Number Sheet for the single"Revelation Song"from People & Songs.
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 Worthy is the Lamb who was slain Holy, holy is He Sing a new song to Him who sits on Heaven's mercy seat
CHORUS Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty Who was and is and is to come With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings You are my everything and I will adore You
VERSE 2 Clothed in rainbows of living color Flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder Blessing and honor strength and glory and power be To You the only wise King
VERSE 3 Filled with wonder awestruck wonder At the mention of Your name Jesus Your name is power, breath and living water Such a marvelous mystery
Written by Jennie Lee Riddle, Gateway Create Publishing.
Revelation Song Instrumental
Regular price
Includes .mp3 audio download of the "Instrumental Only" version of "Revelation Song" from People & Songs.
"Long Version" includes the special bridge scripture reading from the recording.
"Short Version" excludes the special bridge scripture reading from the recording.
Shifting Shadows Charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet, & Nashville Number Sheet for "Shifting Shadows"from The Slays album.
All individual charts are .pdf direct download
VERSE 1 The things of earth only last for a season Dust to dust, it passes away and In the end, God You alone endure
You fulfill all You have spoken What You've said is done in Your name and In the end Your Word alone endures
CHORUS You do not change like shifting shadows As steady as the morning sun When all is fading, you remain You stay the same, forever faithful
VERSE 2 You've given life, now we live eternal What You provide is perfect and good Through it all, we have a hope secure
BRIDGE From everlasting to everlasting God You reign We stand in wonder forever singing Highest praise From everlasting to everlasting God You reign We stand in wonder forever singing Highest praises
Written by Melanie Tierce and Sabin Flore, Tent Peg Music, Stephen Marti, New Hope Road Music, and Katie Riley, The Emerging Sound Publishing.
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Simple (feat. Melanie Teirce & Ryan Kennedy)
Simple Charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for"Simple" from Melanie Tierce's debut album City Of God.
Individual charts are .pdf direct downloads.
VERSE 1 Father I come My words are few Like a child I reach out Just to be with You now
VERSE 2 You’ve held nothing back In steady pursuit A story composed To bring me back Home
PRE You say “It’s already done” The war for my heart is won
CHORUS It’s really that simple The way that You love me It’s not complicated I simply receive
BRIDGE And I don’t need to strive For what’s already mine You’re already mine
Written by Melanie Tierce and Tiffany Ordonez, Tent Peg Music, and Ryan Kennedy, New Hope Road Music.
Simple Lyric Videos
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Lyric Videos from the People & Songs single "Simple".
Church Worship version displays four lines at a time for congregational worship
Sing Charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for"Sing" from Melanie Tierce's debut album, City Of God
All individual charts are .pdf direct downloads
VERSE 1 If there were no more words on the screen Would we still know how to sing? How to bring a true offering of our devotion
We can’t rely on building drums To come and stir our faith up We’ve gotta know how to come and lead ourselves in worship
CHORUS Oh sing, saints of God sing! Make your own melody of praise And tell Him how you love Him Sing, saints of God sing Let your hearts now respond To our God and Give Him glory
VERSE 2 All it takes is ‘You are good’ All it takes is ‘Thank you Lord’ All it takes is 'Worthy is the Lamb' Isn’t He worthy?
Worthy of a joyful noise Even if I look like a fool My Jesus is just that good, I can’t contain it
BRIDGE Sing of who He is Sing of what He’s done Sing of miracles Sing of His love
Written by Melanie Tierce, Tent Peg Music
Sing Charts
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The Bundle includes a .zip folder containing a .pdf Chord Chart, Lead Sheet & Nashville Number Sheet for"Sing" from Turn Up The Light